I feel like I enjoyed this weeks readings more than I have done in previous weeks. I think this is because I connected to what the author and practitioners were saying. How the audience changes the way that we dance or how a dance is perceived. I can relate to this because when I have an audience I perform worse than if I was dancing with a group of people or just in the studio on my own. This is because I’m self conscious of peoples views on my dancing.
On stage I feel less pressure performing to an audience to what I do in the studio. I think this is because the studio is my own personal space and I’m inviting people into that space. You’re also a lot closer to the audience in a studio, meaning they will be able to tell if you’ve done something wrong.
This weeks lesson flew by again, I think this was because we scored the lesson at the start like we did in the previous week, so we knew what to expect.
In preparation for next weeks assessment I need to think about doing a few things, these are;
- Be confident in what I’m doing and forget about the audience
- Engage more with other students
- Develop material deeper to see if I can create new movements
- Come into class with a high level of energy and a positive attitude towards the session
This will allow me to develop my skills as a improviser further.
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